교수 소개

공학박사 델가도 라이마리우스 (레임)
지도교수, 로봇 및 지능 임베디드 소프트웨어 연구실 (RAIMLAB)
조교수, 명지대학교 전자공학과
Dr. Raimarius Delgado has received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Information Engineering from Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea, in 2014, 2016, and 2021, respectively. He was a medical control software research engineer with Koh Young Technology, Yongin, South Korea, from 2021 to 2022. He was a postdoctoral researcher with the Center for Humanoid Research (formerly Center for Intelligent & Interactive Robotics), Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, South Korea from 2022 to 2024. In the middle of 2024, he joined the Department of Electronics Engineering, Myongji University, Yongin, South Korea, where he is currently an Assistant Professor.
Real-time systems design with commercial and open source real-time operating systems (RTOS) to provide stable and reproducible software engineering solutions for practical and safety-critical control applications in robotics, industrial control and automation, and embedded computing.
My interests covers:
Real-time Systems Design and Analysis
Operating Systems and Software Platform
Mixed-critical Systems and Software Architecture
Software Engineering for Embedded Systems and Industrial Network
Software-defined Devices and Software Reconfiguration
Applications on Intelligent Service Robotics, Medical Robotics,
and Next-generation Mobility Systems
학력 사항
공학박사, 서울과학기술대학교 전기정보공학과 (2021)
학위논문: 비실시간 타스크의 상호운영 및 성능분석을 고려한 실시간 시스템 통합 개발환경 연구
지도교수: 최병욱 교수
공학석사, 서울과학기술대학교 전기정보공학과 (2016)
학위논문: 오픈소스 실시간 Ethernet 프로토콜을 이용한 이동로봇 제어시스템 개발
지도교수: 김중균 교수(Interim) / 최병욱 교수
공학사, 서울과학기술대학교 전기정보공학과 (2014)
경력 사항
조교수, 명지대학교 전자공학과 (2024.09~현재)
박사 후 연구원, 한국과학기술연구원 (KIST) (2022.11~2024.08)
지능로봇연구단 (現 휴머노이드연구단), AI로봇연구소
지도박사: 인용석 박사 (Robogram Lab)
의료제어소프트웨어 엔지니어 및 선행기술 연구원 (과장), (주)고영테크놀러지 (2021.01~2022.11)
제어그룹, 메카트로닉스 연구소
IEEE Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), TT2.1.8 Session Chair (2023)
Guest Editor, Electronics - Intelligent Control and Computing in Advanced Robotics (2022~2023)
Ad hoc Reviewer, Advanced Robotics, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, IEEE Access, Electronics, etc.
Asian Leadership Education Program 장학금 (학사과정 전액장학금)
서울과학기술대학교, 대한민국 (2008) -
DOST-SEI Merit 정부장학금
필리핀 과학기술부, 과학교육연구소, 필리핀 (2007)