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Robotics And Intelligent Embedded Software Lab
Welcome to Myongji University's RAIMLAB (Robotics And Intelligent eMbedded SW Lab)
Our research focuses on real-time embedded systems and software to provide practical engineering solutions aiming towards "hands-on intelligence" to current and future intelligent robotics, industrial control and automation, and next-generation mobility systems.
At the same time, we aim to nurture and educate future electronics engineers with innovative research and integrated education to close the gap between theory and practice. We always welcome new members who share our interests to join us.
Prof. Delgado is fluent in both English and Korean.
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Get In Touch
Rm. 409-2, 3rd Eng. Bldg. (Y19)
Myongji University (Natural Science Campus)
116 Myongji-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si,
Gyeonggi-do, 17058
Republic of Korea
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